New Code of Corporate Crisis and Insolvency CCII
The new Business Crisis and Insolvency Code (Legislative Decree No. 14 of January 12, 2019, the "Insolvency Code" or "CCII") was recently introduced. In the new Code, judicial liquidation replaces the "old" bankruptcy: this [...]
The worker between the right of criticism and the duty of loyalty
For many years we have been discussing the difficult issue relating to a worker’s “Right to criticise” within the limits imposed by the so-called "Duty of loyalty". Jurisprudence continues to return to this subject [...]
Covid- 19…failure to fulfill obligations is justified
As is now known, unexpected, urgent and drastic measures are now in place in an effort to contain the spread of coronavirus. Italy in particular, has adopted drastic measures in the form of emergency [...]
No retroactivity of Gelli Bianco law
The Civil Cassation sanctions no-retroactivity of Gelli Bianco law and clarifies some controversial aspects of health liability. The so-called San Martino judgments go to examine different aspects of litigation in the medical sector. In [...]
Clinical risk management, 3rd Network
Mr. Rocco Noviello attended the meeting “3rd Network Clinical Risk Management” promoted by Lombardy Region on December 17 in the main hall of Mangiagalli Clinic. The meeting was aimed at Risk Managers, members of [...]
Gelli-Bianco law, the evolution of medical liability
Mr. Noviello was a speaker at the workshop "LAW 24/2017 (GELLI-BIANCO LAW) - Reflections two years after the law came into force". The Gelli-Bianco law n.24/2017 innovated legislation governing the liability of doctors. The [...]
During the annual meeting of AIBA Italian Insurance Brokers Association, held last June, the members renewed the AIBA appointments, according to the new statute drafted with the collaboration of our lawyers Rocco Noviello and [...]
Health liability two years after Gelli-Bianco law came into force
Mr. Andrea Bonifacio spoke about health liability at the conference "Perspectives and operational issues of health responsibility two years after Gelli-Bianco law came into force" held on May 22, 2019 in Lodi. Mr.Bonifacio illustrated [...]
Road carrier – Exception of the constitutional illegitimacy of art. 7 ter?
In recent months some courts have deemed worth the exception of the constitutional illegitimacy of art. 7 ter raised by some clients in underway judgments. We specify that in these cases the (sub) carrier [...]