Civil and commercial law

Responsability of web spaces

16/12/2009 The ninth section of the Civil Court of Rome fully accepted the claim raised by Mediaset against YouTube, filled by our Law Firm, with Mr.Morazzoni and Mr.Sangalli. The Court ordered the immediate clearing of all the content illegally uploaded on Youtube servers. Specifically the order refers to the reality show known as "Grande [...]

2020-01-20T15:58:25+00:00Categories: Civil and commercial law|

Copyright protection

30/07/2008 Mr. Gaetano Morazzoni, about the case filled by this Law Firm on behalf of RTI (Mediaset) against You Tube, declared: “Copyright protection is the unavoidable recognition of the creativity of the human talent, essential for the civil progress and the moral sense of the people."

2020-01-21T18:40:05+00:00Categories: Civil and commercial law|
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